There are two types of micromanagers. One you know about, the other you don't. The question is, are you a micromanager and don't recognize [...]
Human error causes 94% of traffic accidents—and it’s not just on the road. Our blind spots lead to mistakes in life and in leadership. [...]
There are actually a lot of leadership lessons to be learned from ancient warriors - minus the spears, the togas and the awkward man-skirts. [...]
Sure, storytelling is an important way to connect with others and create a productive workplace, but it can sometimes become pretty darn toxic if [...]
Life’s a traffic light — and you’re in the driver’s seat. Are you a red light person, a yellow lighter or are you constantly gunning for the green? In leadership and life, your “light” dictates your momentum. Here’s the thing: You control the signal. It's time to recognize your true light.
Resolutions aren't just about New Year's. In fact, the entire concept of New Year's is a sham. It's time you understood the truth behind resolving your resolutions.
You think the problem is the President? Here's a bold thought: What if the real problem isn't political leaders—it's you. In fact, it starts right within the walls of your workplace.