Being a successful leader takes commitment, discipline, consistency and a whole lot of other things. Fortunately, you can get it all done by 8am.
Understanding how to be a successful leader involves knowledge of what it means to be an ineffective leader. So buckle up, buckaroo. Here are the ten habits leaders need to avoid.
Most meetings are unproductive. Just sitting in a meeting is usually unproductive. Thou shalt adhere to the Ten Commandments for making meetings productive again
I don't trust leaders who like pulp in their orange juice. Why? Because if your leadership style is pulpy... well... you've got big problems.
Innovation is the difference between leaders and followers. It's not just up to companies to innovate. It's up to you. Your future depends on it.
Combine a wombat with Xerox and Kodak, and what you get is an important strategic leadership lesson on how to fit a square peg in a round hole.
You may think of him as just a fat guy with a flare for bright-colored clothing, but Santa Claus is a paragon of leadership lessons for successful leaders.