If Newton had a third law of leadership, it would say that for every good personality trait, there's an equal and opposite bad one. It turns out it's true.
There’s a common misconception about how to be a leader. The belief is that leaders need to make every decision and they always need to be right.
There are three sides to every company: the leadership perspective, the employee perspective and the truth. And no one is lying.
Imposter Syndrome is a real thing. It’s a stressful journey when you believe everybody is better and smarter than you.
There are four simple ways to increase productivity every day and it has nothing to do with working harder. In fact, this is how you work smarter.
When I ask people to tell me about their job or their company, more times than not I get a description of WHAT they do. "Whats" do not inspire people.
There are six things a brand must consider to help maximize its cult-like following. You don’t have to master all six of these, but the best cult-like brands master at least two of them.