Women apologize at work. Men apologize at work. That's good news. It shows empathy. Unfortunately, women leaders are too good at their job. Women apologize too much.
There is no trap worse than the trap you set yourself. It's usually done unconsciously. You're being held back. Learn the 8 ways you're caught in your own trap
America’s largest companies have a problem. A disappearing problem. And you might too if you don’t learn the important lesson from Norman Lloyd.Who is Norman [...]
I used to want to be a superstar. I wanted to people’s knees to buckle when they saw me. But in time, I realized one important [...]
Empathy is important for any leader to succeed. Radical empathy takes it to the next level. In the words of Nigel from Spinal Tap, “This one [...]
Life is filled with milestones. There is no finish line in life. Or, really, there’s only one (RIP). Everything else is a journey of experiences. And [...]
We each have a different perspective on life. That’s both the good news and the bad. Our perspective often gets in [...]