Previous Articles
268. The Right To Disconnect And Ignore Your Boss
Six countries have already enacted the right to disconnect law. The US isn't one of them. It's up to you to bring some balance back into life. No pressure.
9. The Secret To Success
Welcome to my world, where the process of finding my lost keys reveals some pretty profound [...]
267. The Secret To Stability At Work
Are you stable? Before you answer that, you need to read this article about stability at work. Not to be overly dramatic, but your life depends on it. Yeah, I know, that was overly dramatic.
“Outstanding. Stimulating. Powerful. [Jeff] prompts us to rethink the little things we do every day.”
DAVE M. (CEO/Entrepreneur)
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These are other articles. But you knew that because it says it in the big bold letters above. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.
You’re welcome.
232. The Radical Ideal of Radical Empathy
Empathy is important for any leader to succeed. Radical empathy takes it to the next level. Here are the 6 steps to bringing radical empathy into the workplace
231. Your Mistaken Milestones in Life
Life is filled with milestones. Too often people mistake the milestones for the finish line. But there is only one finish line, and it's not the one you want.
230. The Power of Perspective
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are. We each have a different perspective on life. And sometimes that perspective gets in your own way.
229. Set Up To Fail
Your goal as a great leader is to set your employees up to succeed. Yet so many times they are set up to fail by the leader. It's a lose-lose situation.
228. The 4 Most Powerful Productivity Lessons
There's a problem with organizational greatness in this country. It turns out that mothers have a lot to teach us about leadership and productivity.
227. How Successful Companies Get There
There are four behaviors that every successful company adheres to. If you want to build a successful company, have I got a great story for you!