Previous Articles
262. Don’t Pop Your Customer’s Balloons
There are two important lessons that are critical for every single and company to understand. And they involve your customer's balloons. Don't pop them.
261. Embracing Growth: The 4 Leaders Who Fail
There are 4 types of leaders who do a crap job embracing growth. You're going to want to pay attention so you can check yourself before you wreck your career.
260. The Surprising Secret To Being A Successful Leader
Being a successful leader takes commitment, discipline, consistency and a whole lot of other things. Fortunately, you can get it all done by 8am.
“Outstanding. Stimulating. Powerful. [Jeff] prompts us to rethink the little things we do every day.”
DAVE M. (CEO/Entrepreneur)
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These are other articles. But you knew that because it says it in the big bold letters above. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.
You’re welcome.
203. The Leadership Lessons From Organized Crime
Say what you want about organized crime, at least it’s organized.
202. Beatles vs Rolling Stones
There are two types of leaders in this world and there’s only one question that distinguishes them: Beatles or Rolling Stones?
201. Accidental Success is still Success
Life doesn't always go as expected, and that's the good news. You didn't plan for accidental success, but it's still success. And that's no accident.
200. Impatience is a Virtue
I know that watching the water won’t make it boil in less time. I watch it anyway.
199. The Common Mistake of Leadership
I’ve worked with hundreds of leaders, and there's a common mistake I see done time and again by leaders of all ages. There’s a good chance you may be making the same mistake as well.
198. You Say “Cult” Like It’s A Bad Thing
There are six things a brand must consider to help maximize its cult-like following. You don’t have to master all six of these, but the best cult-like brands master at least two of them.