Previous Articles
259. The 10 Habits of Highly Ineffective Leaders
Understanding how to be a successful leader involves knowledge of what it means to be an ineffective leader. So buckle up, buckaroo. Here are the ten habits leaders need to avoid.
258. The Important Reasons Why Your Meetings Are Useless
Most meetings are unproductive. Just sitting in a meeting is usually unproductive. Thou shalt adhere to the Ten Commandments for making meetings productive again
257. Pulp Fiction: Leadership Strategies From A Glass of OJ
I don't trust leaders who like pulp in their orange juice. Why? Because if your leadership style is pulpy... well... you've got big problems.
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DAVE M. (CEO/Entrepreneur)
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These are other articles. But you knew that because it says it in the big bold letters above. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.
You’re welcome.
197. The Things A Company Leaves Unsaid
You can learn a lot about a company by way they conduct an interview. Because the way a company does one thing, is the way they usually do everything.
196. The Salary Negotiator’s Dilemma
I’m not saying that racial and gender bias are always done consciously. It’s not. I’m just saying that the facts prove it is widespread - regardless of whether you want to believe it or not.
185. The Secret about Purpose and Productivity
A doctor committed malpractice and mistakenly came up with the secret clue to inspiring employee motivation and productivity with purpose.
179. The Greatest Con
Of all his innovative accomplishments, perhaps the most awe-inspiring feat Steve Jobs accomplished was...
178. Find the Fin in You
I ran into an uncomfortable situation recently. The most uncomfortable part of the situation was that I was seemingly the only person who was uncomfortable with the situation.
158. Newton’s Third Law of Leadership
If Newton had a third law of leadership, it would say that for every good personality trait, there's an equal and opposite bad one. It turns out it's true.