Previous Articles
29. Work Life Balance Is A Lie. Here’s Why.
Work-life balance is a terrible idea. You think it's a good idea, but you're wrong. It is impossible to balance the two. The good news is that there's a better way.
28. What The Mafia Can Teach Us About Support Networks
Sure they do bad things, but the Mafia has one heckuva leadership support network that we all can learn from
27. A Leader’s Only Two Choices: Faith Or Fear
Faith or fear? The choice you make has a huge impact on your leadership, your decision-making and, let's face it, it impacts your life. Have I made you nervous?
“Outstanding. Stimulating. Powerful. [Jeff] prompts us to rethink the little things we do every day.”
DAVE M. (CEO/Entrepreneur)
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These are other articles. But you knew that because it says it in the big bold letters above. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.
You’re welcome.
280. Work-Life Balance Is A Lie. Here’s Why.
Work-life balance is a terrible idea. You think it's a good idea, but you're wrong. It is impossible to balance the two. The good news is that there's a better way.
279. The Six Symptoms Of An Unproductive Team
Not all leaders recognize when they have an unproductive team. As it turns out there is a proven solution to catapult growth: the 4 Secrets of Accountability
18. How To Create A Culture Of Accountability
85% of leaders are bad at accountability. There are four non-negotiable elements that are required to create a culture of accountability. That's where the problem begins.
278. Procrastination Isn’t A Real Thing
99% of Americans claim that they procrastinate at least some things in their life. There's only one problem: procrastination isn't a real thing. You've got bigger problems.
17. The Secret To Stability
In this episode, I delve into the crucial concept of stability in life and at work, especially in the wake of a global pandemic. Learn how you can foster a stable work environment and achieve stability in your own life.
16. I Don’t Think You Understand Loyalty
Loyalty is misunderstood. In fact, a whole lot of companies screw up employee issues because of their [...]