Previous Articles
21. The Iceberg of Ignorance, Part 1
The iceberg of ignorance is a real thing. Only 4% of problems are known to top managers. That means 96% of a company’s problems are not even on the radar of top management. That's a big problem.
283. Tell Me More: Riding The Wave Of Criticism
Getting criticism can sometimes feel like a great big wave barreling over you and sending you into a tizzy. There's a simple way out of it if you remember that you can't fight waves.
20. You Have The Right To Disconnect From Work
Six countries have already enacted laws that give employees the right to disconnect at work. The US isn't one of them. It's up to you to bring some balance back into life. No pressure.
“Outstanding. Stimulating. Powerful. [Jeff] prompts us to rethink the little things we do every day.”
DAVE M. (CEO/Entrepreneur)
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These are other articles. But you knew that because it says it in the big bold letters above. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.
You’re welcome.
269. The Macro Blind Spot Of A Micromanager
There are two types of micromanagers.One you know about, the other you don't. The question is, are you a micromanager and don't recognize it? Your employees do.
11. Sorry, Not Sorry: The Female Leader’s Dilemma Artwork:
Apologizing is good. Over-apologizing is bad. In this episode, I dive into the curious case of the over-apologizing [...]
10. Leadership Lessons: From A to Z and Beyond
Have I got a whopper of a story for you. It starts in the year 1100 AD [...]
268. The Right To Disconnect And Ignore Your Boss
Six countries have already enacted the right to disconnect law. The US isn't one of them. It's up to you to bring some balance back into life. No pressure.
9. The Secret To Success
Welcome to my world, where the process of finding my lost keys reveals some pretty profound [...]
267. The Secret To Stability At Work
Are you stable? Before you answer that, you need to read this article about stability at work. Not to be overly dramatic, but your life depends on it. Yeah, I know, that was overly dramatic.